Genre: Slash, explicit
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Story - Choose Not To Warn (however,
this story doesn't contain any content commonly regarded as
upsetting.) Art - Most images are work safe but four of them do
have mild nudity. Nothing explicit other than a kiss or implied
sexual contact.
Summary: A slashy retelling of first season and Flight. Blair and Jim meet five years before the series starts, in a one night stand in Seattle. When they meet again as in canon, Jim is soon aware of the possibilities that stand in the background behind the sentinel study.
Background Love - story and artwork
Background Love - just the story
Background Love - just the art
(Note: very large images)
Author's Notes: Thank you to ElmyraEmilie, and the Big Bang organisers. Thank you also to Sylvette for waiting patiently for two years for her Moonridge story.
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