Genre: Gen, Action/Adventure, AU,
Stargate/Sentinel crossover
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Jim and Blair meet under very different circumstances, in a world where Jim never left the military and Blair got his doctorate, and Stargate Command has an interest in them both.
The Circlet of Illapa - story and artwork
The Circlet of Illapa - just the story
The Circlet of Illapa - just the art
Author's Notes: Many thanks go to unbelievable2, not only for the art that inspired this story, but also for continual support throughout the writing process and an excellent beta to round things off! This story would most definitely never have existed without her! Whilst it is a Stargate/Sentinel crossover, the story focuses almost entirely on Jim and Blair and extensive knowledge of Stargate is not required for the story to make sense (this has been corroborated by non-Stargate-fans!).
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